chat gpt side hustle for moms

A Scary Easy Chat GPT Side Hustle for Moms

“If being a mom was easy, dads would do it.”

“Mothers of teenagers understand why some animals eat their young.”

Yes, being a mother is challenging; the toughest thing in the world.

From decoding mysterious baby cries to performing superhero feats on minimal sleep, every day is an adventure. Day job, with tackling toddler tantrums is an Olympic-level sport, and the laundry pile? Everest.

To make moms’ lives a bit easier, I revealed here an easy Chat GPT side hustle for moms.

But, is this beneficial for moms only?

It’s good for everyone – moms, dads, and all those who want to make money online fast. 

Below I am revealing passive income side hustles for moms – giving away my exact Chat GPT prompts, which I refined and finalized after one year of trial and error.

I call it “A Scary Easy Chat GPT Side Hustle” as the prompts are special.

These prompts (chat gpt side hustle) first train its algorithm and then generate high-quality results in minutes. That’s why it is an ideal side hustle for moms; whether stay-at-home moms, busy moms, or single moms.

The Ezpz Chat GPT Side Hustle You Are Looking For


I am dropping the curtains, now!

The scary easy chat gpt side hustle is ‘Blogging’.


“Are you serious? It would take a life to start earning from a blog!”

Do you know that when you blog using my prompts in ChatGPT, it becomes scary easy?

I must say it’s one of the best side hustles for stay at home moms.


3 Steps to Chat GPT Side Hustle for Moms

easy chat gpt side hustle for moms

“Ok, It’s about Chat GPT. It’s easy. But hey, it’s AI-GENERATED CONTENT!”

“A Big NO!”

“See, Google will find out and penalize my site.. so, I’m sorry.”

Whenever I started this session, people raised lots of questions.

So, here’s what Google says about AI-written content.

google view about AI content

So, it’s proved that Google has no issues with ChatGPT blogging (if you know how to get quality content from it, I’m revealing below).

So, let’s start. Here are the 3 steps:

Step 1. Find What People Are Searching

Before start using prompts and writing content, it’s extremely important to confirm whether people are searching for what you are going to write.

See, there’s no point in writing and assembling 100 posts on your blog and later finding no one is interested in your topics.

How to find this? Where to go to find the number of searches?

I avoid jargon like ‘keyword research’ as it only makes the simple task tough to grasp and so many stay-at-home moms get stuck at this phase.

Being a beginner, you don’t need to go for expensive platforms (ahref starts at $99/m; Semrush at $129/m) to find search terms. A simple and user-friendly tool is ‘KwFinder’ which I use and recommend. It’s super easy and costs just $29/m.

At Kwfinder, enter your target keyword (i.e. main keyword) in the search bar, and select any keyword with a green signal. Don’t worry about the number of searches and other DA, and PA stuff (rather it’s better to target keywords with 100 or fewer searches in the beginning).

See the image below where the main keyword ‘homemade coffee’ is showing green signal that it has low competition and it is easy to rank.

kwfinder chat gpt side hustle

Make a list of all green search terms that are related to your blog post too.

Now, let’s move on.

Step 2. Unique Prompts for ChatGPT Side Hustle for Moms

prompts for chat gpt side hustle

Step 1 is an appetizer, and now here we are, at the main course.

Now, I love yoga and so, as a case study, I am taking this niche from that point forward. Hope this way, you’ll learn and understand things easily.

Here is my prompt series to get quality content out of ChatGPT.

Prompt 1.

“My niche is yoga for busy women aged 30. Give me 10 blog post ideas that are trending, unique, and immediately grab the attention of my audience.”

(Replace underlined words with your niche and target audience.)


(Note I mentioned my target audience’s key features so that ChatGPT generates right on the target results. Also the words ‘trending’ and ‘unique’ narrow down its search. Chat GPT will give you blog ideas.

Here are some I got:

    1. “10 Quick Yoga Poses for Busy Mornings: Energize Your Day in Just 10 Minutes!”
    2. “Mindful Breathing Techniques: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Instant Stress Relief”
    1. “Yoga Hacks for the Office: Desk Stretches to Boost Productivity” (I liked this one.) 
    2. “30-Day Yoga Challenge for Busy Women: Transform Your Routine, Transform Your Life”
    3. “Effortless Evening Yoga: Unwind and De-Stress After a Hectic Day”
    4. “Yoga On-the-Go: Easy Poses for Busy Women Who Are Always on the Move”
    5. “Mindful Minutes: Incorporating Yoga into Your Busy Schedule”
    6. “Revitalize Your Lunch Break: Quick Yoga Sequences for Working Women”
    7. “Balancing Act: Yoga Poses to Find Equilibrium in a Hectic Life”
    8. “Yoga for Better Sleep: Wind Down and Relax for a Restful Night”

Prompt 2.

“I am writing a blog post on ___________ . Can you create an ideal reader avatar for this blog post?”


(The goal of this prompt is to train ChatGPT algorithm to write my content keeping in mind the ideal avatar.)

Boom! Here is my ideal avatar generated:


Certainly! Let’s create an ideal reader avatar for your blog post on yoga for busy women aged 30:

Name: Sarah
Age: 32
Occupation: Marketing Manager
Lifestyle: Sarah is a driven and ambitious marketing professional who works long hours and often finds herself caught up in the hustle and bustle of city life.

Fitness Level: Moderate
Yoga Experience: Limited, but interested in exploring yoga as a way to manage stress and improve overall well-being.

Challenges: Sarah struggles to find time for self-care amidst her hectic schedule. She often feels fatigued and experiences occasional back pain from long hours at the desk.

Goals: Sarah is looking for practical and quick yoga solutions that she can easily incorporate into her daily routine. She seeks ways to boost her energy, manage stress, and achieve a work-life balance.

Interests: Sarah is interested in holistic well-being, self-improvement, and efficient ways to enhance her overall health.


Prompt 3:

“Awesome. Now create an outline for this article [topic] that extensively covers all aspects of the topic.”


(Note the word ‘extensively’. It pushes the algorithm to go to its limits and search every corner of its data and then offers an answer. The prompt defines the scope of the topic. Feel free to edit, add, or remove topics from this outline.)

Prompt 4:

“Understand who are you?

You are a native American and an expert copywriter with an experience of 10 years.

You write detailed and compelling blog articles that are not only high-quality and informative but also give readers a feeling of joy and pleasure while reading.

It’s important to note that you write exactly as a human being, and not in AI style. Do you understand?”


(Cool, isn’t it? Have you noticed that up until this point, I haven’t asked ChatGPT to write content? I keep on training its algorithm about what kind of results I want.)

Prompt 5:

“Keeping in mind all the above instructions, now write an engaging and interesting introduction to the post “Yoga Hacks for the Office: Desk Stretches to Boost Productivity”. Start with a hook that stimulates readers to read more. Keep it short and engaging.”


(Enjoying this side hustle for mom? Isn’t it easy? Busy Moms! Stay at home moms?

With this prompt, you’ll get a powerful introduction.)

Prompt 6:

“Now write a blog post of 1500 words on the topic [your topic]. Write it section by section (from the outline above). You MUST follow these instructions:

    1. Write content as a native American.
    2. Write in a friendly tone and conversational style.
    3. Readability: Write in a simple and easy-to-read language. Maintain simplicity, directness, and conciseness, avoiding fluff and complex language.
    4. At the start of each new section, write a captivating 1 to 2-sentence hook that stimulates readers to read forward.
    5. Use the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) copywriting framework while writing it.
    6. Explain each section in 150 to 200 words. Must follow this limit. (Change it as you like.)
    7. Add primary and secondary keywords wherever appropriate and highlight them.
    8. Write in a human style that doesn’t sound like GPT3. Follow the key attributes of conversational content that is undetectable as being written by AI.”


(This prompt is pure gold. It gives you the results you dream of. The blog post your readers like and admire and that Google will happily rank due to its quality.)

Noteworthy Points

> Don’t just copy and paste what Chat GPT generates (a big mistake committed by many beginners). Add your experiences that ChatGPT never had (and never can). Put your voice to it – the way you like to explain things. Make it fun and joyful to read as you are talking to your friend.

> Remember, the effort you put into this content is just one time, and the income it will generate for you is for years to come. So, it’s important that it shouldn’t look like a robotic piece of content, but a vibrant and lively entity.

> No need to worry and further check it with some AI detection tools. IT IS WRITTEN BY AI. Don’t try to paraphrase or rewrite with some free or paid tools. As already mentioned Google has no issues with AI-generated content if it’s not spammy. Focus on making it a high-quality piece of content.

> Commit to spare 30 minutes a day and write one blog post daily (go for 2 posts if you can, this will double the results in half time). If you fulfill your commitment, you’ll start seeing results within months.


Step 3. Easy Tips for On-Page SEO

So far so good!

All that we have done till this point is for our readers. 

To rank on Google and get organic traffic, we have to put some spices that Google loves to see and taste. Agency people call it ‘On-page SEO’.

SEO – Another over-hyped topic!

Remember, you are not working in an SEO agency and so, don’t need in-depth knowledge of SEO. You just need to learn some tweaks in your blog post that Google loves.

So, sit back and relax!

You know, we humans do feel intimidated when start doing something from scratch. Remember when you started learning cycling, or driving? 

It’s the same case with SEO. Initially, you feel intimidated but when you keep doing it, you’ll be comfortable each day.

For SEO, all you have to do is install the RankMath plugin.

Next, spare 20 minutes and watch the video below. 

Now, it’s important!

The video will teach you RakMath step-by-step and make you a confident SEO person in just 20 minutes.

Please, don’t put it off that you’ll watch the video tomorrow.

Remember, tomorrow never comes. Tomorrow, you’ll get so busy in doing other stuff that you can’t even think of this side hustle.

After doing SEO, you are ready to publish this article.

But where to publish?

I recommend you start your own blog. Come on, it’s 2024 and starting a blog isn’t tough!

Search on YouTube, and watch some videos, and you are good to go.

Really, it’s that simple!


Finally, Promote. Promote. Promote

After writing and publishing, now it’s time to get readers. Don’t rely on Google  bots.

It’s your responsibility to promote your work.

Do you have a Facebook account? and Instagram? and Twitter? Well, who hasn’t? I bet on that.

So, if you want to succeed at a faster rate, then don’t wait for people to come and find
you. Go out and share your blog post with them.

Traffic-Magnet Secrets (for Chat GPT Side Hustle)

> Share your blog post on content-based channels like Medium,, and Substack –each of which has millions of monthly active users.

> Share it as a post on all major social media channels.

> Join related Facebook groups and share your post. (If some groups
don’t allow link sharing, be creative and think out of the box. Create post image in Canva and give it’s link in the comments.)

> Even better, if you create short videos (based on your blog post) and share  them everywhere. Today, all social media channels shower love on shorts and reels and promote
them insanely to win the media war.

“Ahh! But video creation is expensive, and I am camera shy person too!” you murmured.

If you are thinking this, then let me remind you the topic once again!

It’s a Scary Easy Chat GPT Side Hustle!

AI is the solution to your issues – you just don’t know the right tools. So, here’s the one for shorts and reels.

Go to and signup. This AI tool is so powerful that it create videos from text (blog posts) in minutes.

Just paste your text, insert video clips from their library, add voiceover plus music –
and viola, your video is ready in 5 minutes.

> Upload this video to video platforms like YouTube, Rumble, and Daily Motion.

> Also, share your videos on these channels (means create one video and share the same video on all these channels):


  • FB Reels
  • YouTube
  • Shorts
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Instagram
  • Reels
  • FB Groups (related to your niche)
  • Twitter
  • Minds
  • MeWe
  • Mix

The Results?

You’ll see visitors coming to your post like these birds coming to the food.

traffic to chat gpt side hustle

Do this and you’ll witness a traffic explosion to your site (and that juicy commission too,
that I am explaining in the next step).


Moms, Time for Making Money [Side Hustle for Moms]

Good news first!

Doing all the tasks above, now you have nothing to do much to make money. Just keep on
writing one or two blog posts daily.

Within a month your blog starts getting some traction, and then you can apply for Google
ads. As you are already getting organic traffic, you’ll get approval instantly.

Now all you have to do is to wake up in the morning and while enjoying a hot steaming cup
of coffee, open your laptop and see how much money your blog made yesterday.

Wow! What a Morning!

But Google ads aren’t the only source of your income. You’ll also start earning on
autopilot with affiliate marketing.

What’s the affiliate marketing?

While writing the content, you recommend some products to your readers that you know
generate results and are good for them. When they buy, you’ll earn a commission
– no selling, no pitching, no phone calls!

Soon, sponsors start contacting you, offering you a handsome amount to display their banners on your blog. 

You’ll never know when your earnings got doubled – and amazing thing is that you aren’t doing anything extra to make this happen.

This is the beauty of this chat gpt side hustle strategy, that money will keep rolling into your bank account.

Money Beez Free Gift

Final Words..

So, moms you have it all. 

Now it’s time to take action. Use these Chat GPT Side Hustle prompts and enjoy earning extra income from the comfort of your home!

And do celebrate with your kids when getting results!

(Note: The blog post contains affiliate links.)

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