secret ways to make money online

5 Secret Ways to Make Money Online No One Is Talking About

Uber lost over a billion dollars in the last six months so they’re asking their drivers to check between the seat cushions.

Looks like even the big guys need secret ways of making money online! But fear not, unlike Uber drivers, you won’t need to rely on lost french fries for income.

I remember the first time I discovered these gems, it felt like finding buried treasure in my backyard. I had no idea that there were so many secret ways to make money online without investment.

Ready to ditch the never-ending money struggle and find your online oasis? Let’s go!

1. Be A Transcriptionist

transcriptionist doing work

Relaxing in your home, in your PJs with headphones, you are just typing what you hear and making money, the next day. Sounds pretty sweet, right?

As a transcriptionist, you have to convert audio files into written text.

I started transcribing audio files for different clients and really enjoyed it. The task was easy as all it took was good listening skills and attention to detail. Soon it turned out to be a steady income stream.

Making It Happen..

For this side hustle, you need to practice and polish two skills: Listening power and typing skills.

So dust off your keyboard to start practicing typing and get a good headset to defuse background noise and keep your ears comfy. Nothing techy here.

Practice and continuous practice are the keys to success.

There are tons of online platforms for transcription jobs but sites like Rev, Scribie, and TranscribeMe are the popular hangouts.

Pro Tips

– Use automated software (like Sonix) that converts audio into text in seconds. Although the text needs revision, it would be a huge time saver.

– Confirm clients’ needs before starting your work. Ask what kind of fonts, margins, and formatting he/she likes.

– Learn advanced features of MS Word or Google Docs to boost your typing speed. Some of them are: autocomplete, keyboard shortcuts, autocorrect etc.

What I like about transcription work is that it easily fits into my schedule, no matter how busy I am. This is why it’s one of my favorite secret ways to make money online.

2. Website Flipping [Secret Ways to Make Money Online]

girl happy doing website flipping. secret ways of making money online

Imagine buying an underperforming website, sprucing it up with better content, and design, doing some SEO, and then selling it for a profit.

It’s like flipping houses but without the huge investment.

I found a small blog about gardening, bought it for a few dollars, added some engaging content, and sold it for three times the purchase price within a month.

Let’s Do It..

If you like the idea and want to give it a shot, keep in mind that being one of the secret ways of making money online doesn’t mean it’s like a lottery. It will take time to learn the basics and continuous practice to excel.

So, go to Flippa or Empire Flippers, the two giant marketplaces for buying and selling websites.

Don’t just grab the first website that you like. First, focus on evergreen niches like travel, business, food/cooking, personal development, and personal finance.

Next, use tools like Semrush, Similarweb, and Wayback Machine to get a sneak peek into a website’s performance. Check the countries where the website is getting traffic (preferably from the USA, Canada, UK – and not from China).

Before buying, negotiate the price. Then add or update content, implement SEO and monetize it. Finally, offer it on the marketplace at a 30x price.

Pro Tips

– Request access to the website’s Google Analytics for a closer look at its traffic.

– Check the bounce rate: 26%-40% is excellent; anything above 70% could be trouble (unless it’s a blog or news site).

– Optimize for specific keywords, publish high-value content, do some SEO, and consider guest blogging for backlinks.

Website flipping is ideal for you if you have already been into building websites, creating content, and doing SEO.

3. Stock Photography

stock photography is another secret way to make money online.

Alright, listen up.

You think website flipping is too techy and it’s not for you. So, let me share another secret way of making money online fast and easy.

In my quest to find these secret ways to make money online for free, I stumbled upon a stock photography niche. What’s amazing is that it’s perfect for regular guys like you and me. It’s simple, easy and fast – and fun too!

I started taking photos of everyday scenes, uploaded them to stock photography websites, and watched as the downloads turned into dollars. It was one of the most accessible secret ways to make money online.

Realizing Your Dream [Secret Ways to Make Money Online]

It’s easy to start.

All it requires is to have a good DSLR camera (or even a phone camera) and a knack for capturing interesting moments. Bright natural light is your best friend (saving you from investing in expensive light gear).

The most important lesson is to find the niche you are passionate about (nature, food, travel, people, or office setting) and stick to it. Don’t try to sell everything.

Note that stock photos aren’t common snaps. They need to be specific and high-quality. People aren’t buying blurry pictures. So you need to be very professional.

Upload your photos on online marketplaces like Shutterstock, Getty Images, and Depositphotos. Don’t limit yourself to one platform. Spread your photos across several to reach a wider audience.

Pro Tips 

– Use keywords while labeling your photos. Use Google Trends to research popular keywords. When buyers search, these keywords help them find yours.

– Research what’s in demand in the stock photography market. Focus on high-demand areas like authentic imagery, textured patterns, or breathtaking landscapes.

– Writing articles and tutorials for photography blogs boosts your visibility. Write about your photoshoots, travel experiences, and photography tips. This builds your brand and attracts followers.

Don’t procrastinate in the name of a perfect shot. The best way to improve is to keep shooting.

4. Creating Digital Products

creating digital products

It sounds fancy – but frankly, it’s not.

If you haven’t yet created any digital product, then I don’t know what are you doing to make money online. Creating digital products is one of my favorite secret ways to make money online without investment.

This method requires some creativity, but it’s worth it.

I designed printable planners on Canva and sold them on Etsy. With no upfront investment other than my time, I started seeing sales roll in.

How to Execute?

Canva is your best buddy if you want to learn the easiest way to create digital products.

First, sign up for Canva and start learning it. Watch some YouTube tutorials if you are new to Canva. Next, find out your expertise and passions. What are you good at? What do people always ask you for help with? This can open up new avenues and help you stand out from the crowd.

Can you design planners using Canva? Can you create social media templates? If you are good at graphics, can you design kids coloring books? Mendalla?

Then create your masterpiece, set the price, and offer it on marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon KDP, or Shopify. Promote it using your Social media channels or try paid ads.

Pro Tips

– Use tools like Google Trends to see what people are searching for. This will help you identify high-demand topics.

– Look at existing digital products on platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and Udemy. Find out what’s selling well and where there are gaps in the market. Aim for high-demand, low-competition niches.

– Create a customer avatar to envision your ideal customer. Understand their demographics, values, challenges, and goals.

People love unique, personalized items, and the market for digital products is booming. Turn your ideas into cash. It is a brilliant way to tap into the world of secret ways to make money online for free.

5. My Mentor’s Secret Way of Making Money Online

13 years ago, John Thornhill (my mentor) was stuck on a factory assembly line and hated every second of it. The thing that made him unique was that he was willing to pay the price to get back freedom in life.

And guess what? His efforts paid off!

John Thornhill Webinar

But John’s story doesn’t end there. He’s passionate about helping others escape the cubicle jungle and find their own online success.

Here’s the kicker: John believes he’s cracked the code. He’s identified the ONE BIG THING holding you back from online success, and he is ready to spill the beans (virtually, of course).

Intrigued? You should be!

John is hosting a FREE WEBINAR exclusively for those who want to learn his secret sauce to online freedom. This is your chance to ditch the soul-sucking 9 to 5 routine and step into a world of possibility.

Don’t let this golden opportunity slip away!

Click the link below to register for the FREE WEBINAR.

>> Learn How To Generate $3,493 Commissions While Building a List At The Same Time <<

[Gurus’ Top Secret]

John revealed that don’t exhaust yourself for a $20 or $30 commission – when putting in the same effort you can sell a $997 high-ticket product and earn 50% commission ($497) on one sale.

P.S. Spots for the webinar are limited, so don’t wait!


Now out of these 5 secret ways of making money online, you can choose anyone.

The important thing is to be patient and consistent in what you pursue.

Wishing you success,


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